War in Ukraine: One Year of VOA Coverage

Engaging Washington
Voice of America journalists engage thought leaders and policymakers around the U.S. with events like "War Stories: How Ukraine's Media are Confronting Russia's Aggression" and “Ukraine a Year After the Russian Invasion: A Look Ahead.”
Voice of America journalists engage thought leaders and policymakers around the U.S. with events like "War Stories: How Ukraine's Media are Confronting Russia's Aggression" and “Ukraine a Year After the Russian Invasion: A Look Ahead.”

Strong Worldwide Audience Interest
Audiences in countries as diverse as Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Iran, Latin America, Georgia, Albania, and Myanmar demonstrate strong interest in VOA coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Between February 23, 2022, and February 22, 2023, VOA's coverage attracted more than 2.4 billion video views and 144 million engagement actions across social media platforms, as well as 83.5 million visits to VOA websites.
Audiences in countries as diverse as Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Iran, Latin America, Georgia, Albania, and Myanmar demonstrate strong interest in VOA coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Between February 23, 2022, and February 22, 2023, VOA's coverage attracted more than 2.4 billion video views and 144 million engagement actions across social media platforms, as well as 83.5 million visits to VOA websites.

Award-Winning Results
VOA’s Eastern Europe Chief Myroslava Gongadze will receive the 2023 Inamori Ethics Prize, an award reserved for “ethical leaders whose actions and influence have greatly improved the condition of humankind.”
VOA’s Eastern Europe Chief Myroslava Gongadze will receive the 2023 Inamori Ethics Prize, an award reserved for “ethical leaders whose actions and influence have greatly improved the condition of humankind.”

Telling America’s Story
VOA content in 48 languages provides accurate, objective and comprehensive news on conflict from a variety of angles that are often unavailable from local media outlets. In March 2022, VOA Ukrainian produced a live stream with simultaneous translation of President Joe Biden’s address on measures to limit Russia’s aggression, as well as streams of official statements by Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. More recently, VOA provided in-depth coverage and analyses of President Biden’s surprise visit to Ukraine.
VOA content in 48 languages provides accurate, objective and comprehensive news on conflict from a variety of angles that are often unavailable from local media outlets. In March 2022, VOA Ukrainian produced a live stream with simultaneous translation of President Joe Biden’s address on measures to limit Russia’s aggression, as well as streams of official statements by Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. More recently, VOA provided in-depth coverage and analyses of President Biden’s surprise visit to Ukraine.