Africa to America: The Odyssey of Slavery

(R) Professor Peniel E. Joseph of the University of Texas at Austin looks over his notes prior to the start of the show.

(From L to R) Moderator Professor Peniel E. Joseph of the University of Texas at Austin speaks to Dean Cassandra and Superintendent Terry Brown of the Fort Monroe National Monument Newby-Alexander of Norfolk State University and

(From L to R) VOA Africa Director Negussie Mengesha with Lt. Govenor Justin Fairfax of Virginia

(From L to R) Prof. Aimee Glocke of California State University, Northridge, Prof. Robert Trent Vinson of the College of William & Maryand Prof. Gloria J. Browne-Marshall of John Jay College (CUNY)

Cameraman man taking in the scene.

Audience members paying close attention to the panelists.

Moderator and panelists of Africa to America: The Odyssey of Slavery