Our news series, ‘Searching for Solutions’, is a positive examination of world problems and the innovative efforts underway to solve them. We focus on programs, innovations, and approaches that address long-standing, contentious issues from global warming to immigration; from crime prevention to bridging cultural and religious divides, and many others.
In our latest story, Environmentalists Target Plastic Bags, we see how U.S. communities are beginning to push businesses to give up plastic in favor of paper.
Look for these and other stories:
• Rainwater Car Wash - introduces entrepreneur Ken Ouellette, whose dream of opening a car wash in his home town has led to innovation and environmental benefits.
• Solar Power - explores how the growing demand for green technology is turning California's Silicon Valley into "Solar Valley."
• Green Building on the Rise - highlights the growing popularity of so-called "green" building, explaining that the hottest trend in architectural design today takes into account energy efficiency and the environmental sustainability of the materials used.
• Green Technologies - looks at the problem of global warming and how businesses in California, America's most populous state, are investing heavily in solar, wind and other green technologies.
• Detroit Muslims - focuses on the longstanding concern within the Iraqi-American community in the United States that the war in Iraq, and the violence there between Sunnis and Shias, could spark tensions at home. Efforts to ease tensions are underway in the Detroit and central Michigan area, home to some 500,000 Muslims and Arab Americans.
• France’s Nuclear Reactors - demonstrates how the country has already reduced its dependence on fossil fuels by using controversial nuclear power.
• Clean Coal? - explores the clean coal technology that has been under development since the early 1990s in the U.S. In the next few years, 20 more plants will be built in different parts of the country.
• Hybrid Taxis - looks at the new standards New York Mayor Bloomberg recently announced that will be phased in over the next 5 years. They require all yellow taxis in the city of New York to use hybrid technology and meet new fuel consumption standards.
• Turning Waste Into Energy - shows how modern landfills can turn garbage into clean energy. Captured correctly, methane gas can generate electricity rather than increase global warming.