VOA Bosnian Marks Two Decades of Journalistic Excellence

VOA Director Amanda Bennett (R) presents Certificate of Appreciation to the VOA Bosnian Service

The Bosnian Service of the Voice of America has been a standard of broadcasting excellence to Eastern Europe for two decades.

Commemorating the service at Voice of America headquarters in Washington on Tuesday (June 21), VOA Director Amanda Bennett noted that VOA Bosnian has been a trusted source of news since June 15, 1996. “It plays a critical role as one of the few media outlets in Bosnia and Herzegovina that provides accurate, balanced and credible news and information about the region, America and the world,” said Bennett.

In a politically and ethnically divided country with a polarized media environment, VOA Bosnian is recognized as a trusted news source. “We are an example of objective, free media for the region,” said Service Chief Dzeilana Pecanin. VOA Bosnian reaches an estimated 17.4 percent of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina each week through its Studio Washington and interactive television programs.

Although the service’s audience resides primarily in Bosnia and Herzegovina, VOA Bosnian also has television and radio audiences in Serbia and Kosovo as well as throughout Western Europe among the Bosnian diaspora.

VOA’s Bosnian Service also maintains a dynamic website (ba.voanews.com), offers video reports on its YouTube channel, and engages audiences through Facebook and other social media.