VOA Convention Coverage

The stage and electronic backdrop for the Republican National Convention in the Tampa Bay Times Forum.

VOA is gearing up for extensive coverage of the Republican and Democratic political conventions. Reporters and technicians have already begun converging on Tampa, Florida, where Republicans will formally nominate their presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.

"CHANGE" - One of themes of the Republican National Convention, and balloons already in place for Thursday night's celebration.

Seventy-five VOA correspondents, writers, video editors, and support staff will be part of the election coverage team. Their reports will be broadcast in 43 languages, on radio, television, the Internet, and mobile. VOA language services will also provide affiliate stations around the world with live reports. Acceptance speeches by the two presidential candidates will be carried live on VOA’s satellite feeds.

“The VOA news team will have a panoramic view of convention

Our cameras are in place, waiting for final testing over the weekend.

delegates, as well as an outside position where reporters can do television “stand-ups” with the view of Tampa Bay behind them,” says VOA Political Director Steven Springer. “With the possibility of a Hurricane becoming a major news story at the convention, that “stand-up position” may get lots of use,” he says.

VOA will begin TV broadcasts from the Republican National Convention in Tampa at 8am ET (1200 UTC) Monday,

Red, white and blue balloons bundled up before being lifted to the ceiling of the Tampa Bay Times Forum for the traditional "balloon drop" on the final convention night.

August 27, 2012, and from the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina at 8 am ET (1200 UTC) Monday, September 3.

Voice of America will also be sharing its reporting space with sister stations Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa, and Radio and TV Martí, which broadcasts to Cuba. In addition to radio and TV, reports from the convention will be posted on many of VOA’s Facebook, Twitter and blog sites.