VOA Director Signs Affiliation Agreement with Popular TV Channel in Myanmar

VOA Director Amanda Bennett and DVB Director U Aye Chan Naing at the official signing of the affiliation agreement at Park Royal hotel in Yangon, Myanmar, October 16, 2016.

One more affiliate station was added to Voice of America’s extensive network of affiliates around the world. The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) TV has started airing 30 minutes of VOA Burmese television news and information, Monday through Friday at 10:00 p.m. Burma time.

VOA Director Amanda Bennett attended the official signing of the affiliation agreement at Park Royal hotel in Yangon, Myanmar. “This partnership is very important for VOA’s mission of fair and objective journalism in the region,” said Bennett. “In cooperation with VOA, DVB will extend better services with quality programs for the benefit of Myanmar people,” said DVB Director U Aye Chan Naing.

DVB has the largest audience share among international broadcasters in Myanmar. A 2015 Gallup/BBG survey showed DVB with a weekly adult audience share of 13.9 percent.

VOA’s Burmese Service reaches its target audience on radio, TV, and the Internet, providing accurate news and information and supporting the development of civil society. Although the print media and Internet are now relatively free, the Myanmar government still controls broadcast media in the country by allowing only the State and military-run TV stations and handful of FM stations and Satellite/cable distribution stations run by business cronies.