VOA Gets Top Credibility Rating in Zimbabwe

A new report by the Media Monitoring Project of Zimbabwe (MMPZ), has rated VOA’s Studio 7 as one of only three news organizations with a 100% credibility rating.

“Collectively, the electronic media proved the best sources of information when it comes to reporting plausibly on top national developments,” according to the independent monitoring organization, which works to promote responsible journalism in Zimbabwe.

Voice of America’s Studio 7 and Zi FM were given the highest credibility rating of the electronic media.

"Studio 7 journalists work hard to provide our audience accurate and balanced information, in spite of big challenges, says VOA Zimbabwe Service Chief Jeremy Groce. “This MMPZ report validates our efforts to go the extra mile to check facts and listen to views from all sides."

The Media Monitoring Project’s Credibility Index rated stories between April and June 15th, from 11 media outlets, including newspapers, radio and television stations. The index rated the standards of accuracy, fairness, and balance.

“Zi FM, Studio 7 and The Standard carried the most trustworthy top news reports in the country among the surveyed media while The Sunday Mail, The Herald and ZTV contained the highest number of flawed top reports,” according to the report.

"Your ability to report on well researched and verified stories has made you become a dependable source of news,” one listener who identified himself as Francis Z, wrote to VOA after reading the report. “Keep it up, I personally depend on your news and topics of debates to get an intimate story of real issues affecting our society today.”