VOA Russian Delivers Extensive Reporting on Nemtsov's Murder

The murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in Moscow sent shockwaves around the world. Since the February 27th killing, those wanting to know more about the death have been flocking to the VOA Russian website.

Shortly after the murder, the Russian Service posted news about the killing on its webpage, live blog and social media networks. Moscow-based stringer Danila Galperovich rushed to the bridge near the Kremlin where Nemtsov was shot, and provided photos and tweets directly from the scene.

The service also had reactions from President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, and members of Congress, as well as comments by experts on Russia, such as former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul and Freedom House President Mark Lagon.

The service also had exclusive interviews with Vadim Prokhorov, Nemtsov’s lawyer, Vladimir Bukovsky, a leading member of the dissident movement of the 1960s and 1970s, and Mikhail M. Kasyanov, a former prime minister of Russia who was dismissed from office by President Putin in 2004.

On Sunday, two days after the killing, VOA Russian aired a special 30-minute live video program online devoted to the murder. The show included live reports on a Moscow protest by tens of thousands of people in honor of Nemtsov. The special program was streamed live and is now available on demand. With all this coverage, it’s no surprise that visits to the Russian Service’s website nearly doubled in the days after the killing.