Voice of America’s comprehensive coverage of global, regional and African news is now available on Top Rádio 104.2 FM in Maputo, Mozambique.
VOA Portuguese Service Director Ana Guedes says the partnership, which officially began Monday, “allows VOA and its network of correspondents in Africa and around the world, to offer a global perspective to the Maputo station.” We are pleased to be working together with Top Rádio, Guedes said, and hope listeners will enjoy VOA’s coverage of international news and current affairs.
Under the rebroadcasting agreement, Top Rádio 104.2 FM will air VOA’s Portuguese news and current affairs program from 1930 to 2000 hours (7:30 pm to 8 pm) local time on Monday through Friday. A one hour VOA English lesson will air at 1800 hours (6 pm) Monday through Friday, and the VOA health show “Vida Sem Medo” will air from 1400 to 1600 (2 pm to 4 pm) Saturday afternoons.
The agreement also gives Top Rádio full access to VOA’s popular music programs.
Carlos Henriques, Regional Adviser for VOA Audience Development, says, "Mozambique is an important market for VOA Portuguese Service programs and we are delighted to be on Top Rádio 104.2 FM with a full range of VOA content.
Top Rádio station manager David Muianga, says, "We are consolidating the promotion of social values by integrating the VOA programming on Top Rádio, and therefore offering to our listeners and the general public, in particular in the Maputo City and Maputo province area, news and information that is up-to-date and credible.”
VOA Portuguese brings comprehensive world and regional news and information to Lusophone Africa including Angola, Mozambique, S.Tomé and Princípe, Guiné Bissau and Cape Verde. For more information visit: www.voanews.com/portuguese. For more information on Top Rádio visit: www.topradio.co.mz.