A friend of mine that previously interned for VOA told me that I would be very well versed in international policy by the time I left – they were undoubtedly correct.
Given VOA’s focus on international news I’ve learned about various different countries, languages and world issues, some of which I didn’t even know existed prior to my internship. Every day is different and has required me to pick up on things quickly in order to report on a variety of issues and places. I believe it is safe to say that along with my reporting skills my understanding of world affairs has seen growth.
As a News Center intern, I work on multiple stories a day, including those I pitch and conduct interviews for myself. From writing articles to creating radio and video content, New Center interns are encouraged to explore various forms of media throughout their time with VOA. Recently, I did a standup for VOA’s social media team, which was new for me as I normally tend to stay off-screen for my reporting. I found the experience to push me out of my comfort zone a bit, which I am grateful for.
I enjoy being able to practice and learn about different forms of media at VOA and my time at the organization has been incredibly enriching.
About Laiyla: I am going into my third year at the University of California Irvine, majoring in comparative literature and minoring in political science. I am currently the Editor in Chief of UCI’s official student newspaper New University. I have previously been published in the San Jose Mercury News, along with a handful of school publications, and formerly co-hosted a show at UCI’s radio station KUCI.